More and more features get added and it’s a very smart download Every time new games come out as well it’s updated pretty quick with small updates following the days of a new release, and you can even look up moves and what Pokémon in a certain generation can learn it by level up or breeding. Honestly premium version is extremely worth it. Very well organized and can even sort by generation. This app is so convenient and has so many filters and data sections and descriptions it’s insane. Otherwise, I’m having a fantastic time using the app and always look forward to future updates. So here’s to hoping the devs can recognize and fix this issue. It’s not a MAJOR issue, but this does break the flow of the app for me a bit, especially since this wasn’t a common occurrence before the recent updates. This causes me to have back all the way to the begging page and lookup moves in a different section of the app, which takes me out of the Pokédex and the Pokémon in particular I was looking up. It does perfect fine when you tap on move in it’s level up learnset, but anything past that and the app just does nothing. When looking up a Pokémon and going over into its “Moves” section, once you scroll down into its learn set by TM and breeding, tapping on a move does not bring the description window for the move. There is a slight issue, however, that I’ve been experiencing since Sca/Vio. I’ve been using this app for the better part of a year now, and being able to look up pertinent info on Mons such as their in-game location, movepools, items, and even create checklists and build teams for each game is amazing. The UI is great, intuitive and really fun to navigate and explore, and is constantly being updated the dev(s). My rating is more like a 4.5/5, because this app is truly amazing. © 1995-2018 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.

They are used in this app in accordance with the laws of Fair Use, for the United States of America, or of the intellectual property code, for France. Some images used in this app are copyrighted and belong to Nintendo, GAME FREAK or The Pokémon Company. Some images used in this app are copyrighted and are supported under fair use. This app is an unofficial app and is NOT affiliated, endorsed or supported by Nintendo, GAME FREAK or The Pokémon company in any way. ProDex is the Pokédex that accompanies you in Pokémon games, from versions Red and Blue to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on the Nintendo Switch! Pokémon, moves, TM's, items, locations and abilities are no longer secrets to you, and the advanced team builder will prepare you for the most epic battles.